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【情境海報組 ─ Around the Solar System 宇宙奇航】 玩法大公開

文 / M老師

宇宙八大行星,聽起來是個深奧的主題,為了突破學習的難點,用玩英語的角度來進攻這個主題,這次與師德合作,M 老師設計出三種小遊戲,讓爸爸媽媽一起陪著小小孩輕鬆玩中學喔!



  1. 兩張宇宙情境大海報 (一張為簡易版,一張為詳細介紹版,可以交替使用)
  2. 可重覆影印的學習單一份
  3. 參考教案一張

英文歌曲 “Eight Planets” 的歌詞,把八大行星的知識用唱的方式完整敘述,很適合陪孩子一起邊唱邊學唷!

1. There are eight planets, eight planets,
2. In our solar system.
1. There are eight planets, eight planets.
3. Can you name all of them?
4. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,
5. Jupiter and Saturn too.
6. Don’t forget Uranus and Neptune.
7. They’re part of the crew.
8. Mercury is the smallest one,
9. The closest planet to the sun.
10. Shiny Venus is number two,
11. By far the hottest planet too.
12. Earth is home to you and me
13. And living things like whales and trees.
14. Mars is fourth in line, you know.
15. It’s dry and red with volcanoes.

1. There are eight planets, eight planets
2. In our solar system.
1. There are eight planets, eight planets.
3. Can you name all of them?
4. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,
5. Jupiter and Saturn too.
6. Don’t forget Uranus and Neptune.
7. They’re part of the crew.
16. Jupiter has the largest mass,
17. A planet made of layers of gas.
18. Saturn is famous for many things,
19. Its moons, its size, its pretty rings.
20. Uranus means the god of heaven.
21. Count its moons, all twenty-seven.
22. Neptune’s eighth and way out there,
23. Farthest from the sun we share.

1. There are eight planets, eight planets
2. In our solar system.
1. There are eight planets, eight planets.
3. Can you name all of them?
4. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars,
5. Jupiter and Saturn too.
6. Don’t forget Uranus and Neptune.
7. They’re part of the crew.
1. There are eight planets, eight planets
2. In our solar system.
1. There are eight planets, eight planets.
24. Now we know all of them.




  1. 將上述 “Eight Planets” 的歌詞按順序寫在冰棒棍上,並標示號碼 1 至 24  (直接照著上面每句英文歌詞前面的編號寫)。
  2. 將次序打亂讓孩子按照 1 到 24 排好,認知數字、順便練唱歌曲。
  3. 海報裡的每個星球貼上便利貼,上面標上對應行星的冰棒棍歌詞號碼,讓孩子按號碼找出答案,依序放在每張便利貼上。
  4. 完成後,用指讀方式帶著孩子認識八大行星吧!



  1. 將剪好的行星貼在塑膠杯上。
  2. 按照八大行星的次序,在塑膠杯內塞入寫好的英文序數 First to Eighth 便利貼。
  3. 讓孩子比對一下,按照序數,將行星杯放回海報上對應行星位置。
  4. 可以將遊戲 1 的冰棒棍歌詞再排回原位,跟著歌詞帶著孩子歡唱學習八大行星。



  1. 媽咪發揮自己的小宇宙,製作一個八大行星轉盤,記得要在每個星球標上序數 (可加入序數縮寫,如圖片所示)
  2. 將八大行星圖片放在海報下面備用。
  3. 轉盤轉到正確星球的圖案後,引導孩子對照星球圖片,將圖片貼回海報上。

以上三個小遊戲,希望能夠呈現給大家在歡樂中學習天文知識的創意。配合這階段孩子們最愛的 mix and match,陪伴他們 explore the universe together,一同學習成長!Happy learning!

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